We meet 11 months of the year at 3 locations each month for breakfast.
Ettalong on the first Friday of the month
Tuggerah on the 2nd Friday of the month
Erina on the 4th Friday of the month.
Yes, we're BACK!! Let's come together and share our plans for the year or swap stories of the holiday break just gone ...
Perhaps you have a business colleague you want to introduce to SBNG? This could be the perfect opportunity because Guest Tickets have been added. All you need to do is select your "Plus One"
Plus of course you'll have the opportunity to introduce yourself and your business to other small business owners and managers as you present your 20 second Elevator Pitch.
Kind regards
Bill Murch
Erina Patron, SBNG
New York Bar, next to Cheeky Charlie's Cafe
We love networking and coming back from the Long Vac is a great excuse to get together and share some of our holiday excitements!
Spread the word, invite a friend to register and make it your business to join us!
Mark Hanslow
Peninsula Patron, SBNG
Bobby's Cafe, 275 Ocean View Rd, Ettalong Beach NSW 2257
Please support the SBNG Sponsors
Central Coast Small Business Networking Group Inc INC9889724
ABN: 62 197 072 196